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Key Concepts in Science



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What do you really need to know about science? Of course, the answer to that question depends on your objective. We've tried to sort out the core concepts we think are particularly significant given the objective of developing a perspective on how your actions fit into the framework of society, Earth, and the universe as a whole. This page provides an overview of these core ideas, along with links to resources that allow you to investigate any topic in progressively greater depth, following your interests as your time permits.

"What is not a detailed understanding of the content of each science, but rather a kind of synthesis of many different strands from many different sciences." --Gerald Feinberg

Chapter 5 of An Ordinary World provides a more detailed description of the motivation and the filter used to determine the set of concepts described here. The Cosmo-02 Forum organized by Kim Coble gives a specific example of the process of filtering concepts from scientific cosmology that are useful for building your perspective.

This is always a work in progress. If you would like to suggest or develop resources to add to this list or submit comments, please contact us.

Topics List

The scientific process

  • essential distinguishing feature of science: scientific knowledge is subject to observational or experimental test
  • understand key elements in the process of science
  • the role of mathematics in describing nature
  • basis for our beliefs - How do we decide what to believe? (especially when belief leads to action)
    • assessing risks (comparisons, statistical significance)
    • how we interpret evidence

A sense of scale - Appreciating distance and time scales for structures and events in the Universe

  • timeline of key events in the history of the Universe (cosmic calendar)
  • scale model of arrangement of planets, stars, galaxies, etc.
  • placing yourself within the scale of things

Evolution - Everything in the Universe is changing with time as new structures emerge and complexity increases

  • self-organization
    • simple rules can underlie complex phenomena - identical building blocks produce wide variety of structures
    • patterns that are similar in different physical systems (spatial and behavioral)
      • fractals
    • cosmological evolution (early evolution of elements, galaxies, etc.)
    • chemical evolution (development of complex chemical structures)
    • biological evolution (origin and development of life)
    • cultural and societal evolution (development of social knowledge; advancing of our thoughts, knowledge that is passed down through interactions instead of through genetic adaptations)
      • linguistic evolution
      • evolution of emotions
      • cultural/religious traditions
      • transportation systems
      • notions of beauty/cosmetics

Interdependence of systems - Processes and structures in the Universe form a system of relationships in which everything is connected to everything else.

  • energy as a unifying theme (everything that happens in the world involves an exchange of energy)
    • energy sources - you can't get something for nothing
    • not all forms of energy are equally useful, and the quality of energy tends to degrade with time
  • information as a unifying theme - many superficially different physical systems play a common role in storing and transferring information
    • DNA, silicon-based computers, neurons, internet, etc
  • developing concrete awareness of connections - examples tying everyday things to the rest of the universe (tapestry principle)
    • stardust- tracing origins
    • constraints and limitations experienced in daily life
      • Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light
      • We get hungry if we do not eat - we need the energy
    • Technology (How stuff works!) basic principles underlying technology (em radiation, friction, energy conservation, etc.); being aware that technologies organize nature to make us feel a certain way or think certain way....all this external stuff matters to us for our internal frame of mind
      • Properties of materials
      • Instruments (Physics of )
      • Engines
      • Computers
      • Electricity

Core concepts for describing reality

Tying it together: tips for incorporating these concepts into your worldview

Topic Descriptions

The Scientific Process

What distinguishes science as a way to gain knowledge about the world? Most importantly, it is distinguished by letting observations of nature have the final say in settling disagreements. Science is essentially a trial-and-error process of choosing explanations that work in describing what we see in the world, and discarding explanations that are found not to work. We observe ourselves and the world around us, develop models to explain what we see in nature, make observations and set up experiments to test these models in new situations, and then revise the models and repeat the process. There is much room for individual creativity and different styles for how the models are developed, and the scientific process is often not so systematic and linear; sometimes models can come before detailed observations, for example. The key point is that no matter what, nature (observation) has the €nal say in ruling out an explanation.

Unknown Object exercise

Stephen Carey book

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A Sense of Scale

Physical Scale of Things:

Portland to Eugene ~ 100 miles
Earth (circumference) ~ 25,000 miles
Earth to Moon ~240,000 miles (~1 light-second)
Earth to Sun ~ 8 light-minutes
Earth to nearest star beyond Sun ~ 4 light-years
Milky Way Galaxy (diameter) ~ 100,000 light-years
Distance to nearby galaxy ~ 3 million light-years
Most distant visible galaxies ~ few billion light-years

You get an idea of how incredible these distances are when you know that light travels at a pretty good clip of 186,000 miles in a second! (more than 7 times around the Earth in a second).

Atlas of the Universe Web site - A great way to tour the universe and get a sense of our physical place in the scheme of things (seems to work best with Internet Explorer)

Powers of 10 Web site

1994 book by Edward Packard, Imagining the Universe: A Visual Journey ("From inside the atom to the ends of space and time, the whole cosmos scaled to the human eye")

October 2001 issue of Astronomy magazine (page 84) contains a complete and concise answer to the reader question "If the Earth were the size of the period at the end of this sentence, how large would our solar system, galaxy, and universe be in comparison?"

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Eric Chaisson's Cosmic Evolution Web Site

Science Integration Origins lecture by Craig Tyler

Include an overview of biological evolution

Biological Evolution Intro (from Westview Senior Inquiry Class)

Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. Daniel C. Dennett (1995)

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In all aspects of our lives we experience constraints on what we can do and on what kinds of relationships exist between different parts of the world. The concept of energy developed as people attempted to organize and unify their understanding of many of these constraints. Every change that occurs in the world involves an exchange of energy, so an understanding of energy and how it flows through the world can help you develop a deeper sense of connection to your surroundings. For example, when you buy an apple and eat it, you can trace the flow of energy that makes this process significant to you: Energy that was once in the form of mass in the sun was transferred to the light that pours onto Earth from the sun, then captured in the chemical bonds of the growing apple, then stored in your body, then tranferred into gravitational potential energy and heat as you climb a flight of stairs after eating the apple. (Add diagram illustrating this flow)

Suggested starting points:

For further investigation:

  • Hobson, Art, Physics: Concepts and Connections (chapter 6)
  • Feynman, Leighton, Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, vol. 1, Chapter 4 (Conservation of Energy).
  • von Baeyer, Hans Christian. Warmth Disperses and Time Passes: The History of Heat. New York: Random House, 1998.

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Information as a unifying theme

The Bit and the Pendulum: From Quantum Computing to M Theory - The New Physics of Information, by Tom Siegfried, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.

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Where did it all come from? Most everything we see around us has a history that can be traced to the stars. The building blocks that compose us and our immediate environment were either made in the big bang 14 billion years ago or emerged from the depths of ancient stars.We are all made of stardust! By fully appreciating this fact we can gain a sense of deep connection to the cosmos.

NASA's Imagine web site provides an excellent introduction to the cosmic history of common elements in our daily lives, and helps you gain a concrete appreciation of our connections to the cosmic processes that made these elements.

Other References

SII lecture on the origin of the elements by Aparna Venkatesan

Lawrence M. Krauss, Atom: An Odyssey from the Big Bang to Life on Earth...and Beyond. Little Brown & Company, (April 2001). Traces the history of a single oxygen atom from its formation through the many astronomical and more familiar systems it has been a part of.

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Space, Time, & Relativity

Space, Time, & Relativity lecture (SII Key Concepts of Physics lecture series)

Davies, Paul. How to Build a Time Machine (good concise description of relativity concepts, but point out the few misleading statements)

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Quantum Physics

Quantum physics is often viewed as applying only to the realm of the very small. But because it challenges very basic assumptions about the nature of reality, it impacts our view of the world on all levels.Quantum physics gives us an overall picture of reality that is very different than our common-sense perception. If you really want to know how the world works, then you need to know the basic principles of the quantum description of reality. Experiments that led to the development of quantum theory show that our very notions of the identity, locality, and even reality of objects no longer hold in the usual way.

“Quantum phenomena challenge our primitive understanding of reality; they force us to re-examine what the concept of existence means. These things are important, because our belief about what is must affect how we see our place within it, and our belief about what we are. In turn, what we believe ultimately affects what we actually are and, therefore, how we behave.” --Euan Squires

A nice way to highlight the basic difference between the classical and quantum view of reality is through contrasting versions of the familiar "Twenty Questions" game (this analogy was suggested by John Wheeler). In the classical version of the game, one person thinks of a specific object (a pink elephant, for example) and holds it firmly in mind while others ask her yes/no questions in order to pin down what the object is. (Is it bigger than a person? - Yes ; etc.). The key feature of this classical version of the game is that reality is well-defined all along. The answer is always a pink elephant, and the questions serve only to allow participants to learn this already-defined fact. By contrast, in the quantum version, the person does not start by thinking of a definite object and holding it in mind throughout the game. Instead, she simply answers each question as it is asked, not restricted by the necessity of making the answers match with the properties of a specific, real object. She only has to make sure that all the answers are consistent with one another. There is still a great deal of structure and many restrictions in the quantum version of the game. But there is a freedom also that is different from the classical version - answers given from one round to the next in the game can have a more flexible relationship to one another than is possible in the classical version.

Here's a summary of the conceptual highlights of quantum physics:

  • Questions about nature are "answered" only when they are specifically "asked". Properties of quantum systems do not have definite values unless a measurement (which need not require a human observer) forces them to choose definite values.
  • Interference of possibilities - If there are different possible ways for a quantum event to happen, these possibilities can interfere with each other. As a result, what we observe when there are 2 (or more) possible ways for something to happen is not just the sum of what we get by considering each of the 2 possibilities separately.
  • Fundamental uncertainty - Quantum theory gives as its final answer only a prediction of probabilities for what we will find when we observe something. This reflects a fundamental uncertainty about observable properties of reality. You can prepare an experiment the same way every time, yet get different results each time (though usually within a very narrow range of results, according to the probabilities predicted by quantum theory).
    • It's important to note that quantum uncertainty is fundamentally different than classical ignorance. Classical ignorance is something we’re all familiar with. It’s what we experience when we don’t know something, but the answer is well defined and already decided. We just don’t happen to have the information in our heads. So for example, if I opened one of the books on my shelf, and turned to page 123, some word would be the first word on that page. None of us knows what that word is - that’s classical ignorance. But I think we’d all agree that there really is a word printed there, already, waiting for us to look at it and eliminate our ignorance. Quantum uncertainty is different. It means that the answer does not exist until a measurement of some kind forces the system to commit to an answer - even nature has not “decided” and doesn’t “know,” prior to measurement, what the answer will be. This idea, well established by experiment, will take some getting used to.
  • Entanglement - parts of a system don't always have isolated identities with independently defined properties. This bizarre property of the quantum world is the basis for quantum teleportation and for several important applications such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Entanglement occurs when a conservation law (conservation of energy or angular momentum, for example) forces a relationship between parts of a system even when the properties of the individual parts are not well-defined. For example, 2 particles might be prepared so that their "spins" (which you can think of as the orientations of little arrows, like compass needles) must be in opposite directions when they are measured. These particles are entangled because even though their individual orientations are not decided until a measurement occurs, we know for sure that the first spin will always be found with an orientation opposite that of the second spin, even if the 2 particles have traveled a great distance from each other.

Suggested starting points:

Squires, Euan. The Mystery of the Quantum World (Second Edition), Institute of Physics Publishing, 1994. A good non-technical overview of the conceptual highlights of quantum physics, emphasizing the challenge they present to our common-sense view of reality.

Centre for Quantum Computation (University of Oxford)- Has many nice tutorials (for all levels of expertise) introducing key concepts of quantum physics that are important for the emerging field of quantum computation. Note especially the tutorials on entanglement and quantum teleportation.

Introduction to Quantum Cryptography (pdf file) - A good overview of the concepts involved in sending coded messages using the bizarre quantum aspects of reality.

Visual Quantum Mechanics resources at KSU Physics Department. Interactive tutorials for gaining intuition about how quantum physics really works.

Atom in a Box. An excellent shareware application that provides real-time visualization of quantum mechanical atomic orbitals for hydrogen atoms.

For further investigation:

Baggott, Jim. The Meaning of Quantum Theory, Oxford, 1992. A good overview of quantum theory, includes technical details but from a perspective that focuses on, "what does this mean?"

Greenstein, George and Zajonc, Arthur. The Quantum Challenge: Modern Research on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (1997). For those with a college-level background in physics, this book provides an excellent introduction to the key experimental results from quantum physics that challenge our commonsense worldview. Bridges the gap between popular books that leave out the technical details of the experiments, and standard textbooks with very little discussion of the meaning of these results for our worldview.

Mermin, N. David, "Is the moon there when nobody looks? Reality and the quantum theory," April 1985 Physics Today, p. 38. Great way of understanding the essence of the EPR paradox and Bell's Theorem.

Feynman, R.P. QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. 1985. Good for gaining the intuition for understanding the strange behavior inherent in quantum mechanics. Simplified, but accurate so that you don't have to unlearn anything when you add the math.

Science News: 11/20/99, p. 334 (article on quantum entanglement)

Stapp, Henry. Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics

Links to quantum tutorials, provided by the University of Oklahoma Physics Dept.

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Jack Semura's Complexity & the Universe Course at PSU.

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Food for thought:

"Regardless of different personal views about science, no credible understanding of the natural world or our human existence…can ignore the basic insights of theories as key as evolution, relativity, and quantum mechanics." - The Dalai Lama
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